The Centre for Political, Economic and Social Research (PESA), International University of Sarajevo and Sakarya University invite abstracts or full length papers in Turkish and English to be presented in ICPESS 2017-Sarajevo-BOSNIA from researchers addressing any political, economic and social issues including but not limited to:
• Political Studies
Public Administration
Organizational Behavior
Political Sciences
Social Policy
International Relations
Management and Organization
Immigration Policy
Terrorism, counterterrorism
Area Studies
Intra- and Interregional and International Integration
The Center for Political, Economic and Social Research (PESA) founded in Sakarya in 2012 aims to become a bridge between academia and society as a whole. PESA believes that societies would be better off if the research studies with implications regarding every aspect of societal life are disseminated adequately.
To this end, PESA publishes not only peer-reviewed academic journals but also pieces that people outside academic world would benefit from such as PESA Perspective, PESA Report, PESA Analysis, and PESA Weekly Economic Bulletin. PESA also organizes conferences, seminars, training courses, and workshops that target specific topics and groups. All publications can be reached online and free of charge.